Sun-infused Flowers

Sun-infused Flowers

Bouquet Size


Sun-infused Flowers Details

Find all the warmth of the summer sun in this gorgeous bouquet! Bold red alstroemeria, purple tulips, and orange spray roses pair perfectly with yellow daisy poms, purple statice, and yellow Asiatic lilies to create a match made in summer heaven. This striking arrangement will bring the summer season to them, no matter where they are!

Cube Vase, &nbspfoliage: Variegated Aspidistra Leaf, &nbsp Orange Babe Spray Roses, &nbsp Red Chicago Alstroemeria, &nbsp Yellow Factor Daisy Poms, &nbsp Purple Tulips, &nbsp Purple Statice, &nbsp Yellow Asiatic Lilies.

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Substitution & Delivery Policy

*PLEASE READ* We need the option to substitute based on our standards of quality, look, and feel. It is a difficult time right now in our industry to get certain flowers AND vases. Don't worry! It's going to be BEAUTIFUL regardless of any change we need to make! If you really need that certain item, please call the store and let us know immediately.

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